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发布者:admin  发布时间:2012-6-9 8:49:02  点击:3358
证了油罐的正常检修与汽油出厂。汽油罐一座价值上百万元有可能报废的油罐,分析之后才有*终的结论。”该负责人表示,由于火灾持续了近5个小时,除了泵外,其他管线也有所损坏,要完全维修好可能要半个月不会影响汽油广州石化有关负责人昨日接受信息时报记者采访时表示,该厂前日发生的火灾,不会、也不应该对广州的市场供需平衡造成影响。“市民可能有误解,以为广州市的油就是由广石化一家供应,会有这个担心,如果有人利用这点,借火涨油价那就是恶意哄抬。”该负责人肯定地向记者表示。在他们的手里起死回 昨日,该厂有关负责人表示,广州石化其它生产装置未受影响,生产正常,该厂已经处于安全状态,请周围的居民放据介绍,发生事故的设备是原油加工初期装置,自火灾发生后,这套设备就已经处于“停产”状态,该负责人向记者介绍,接下来,专业人员会将设备中的油清理干净,然后进行检修,“问题已经锁定在设备上的泵,至于这个泵为什么会漏,要等专家将它拆下来,再进行‘解剖。(图/文http://www.wxfengli.com/
Permit oil normal maintenance and gas factory. A value of millions of yuan likely scrapped oil tank, before a final conclusion analysis." The responsible person said, the fire lasted nearly 5 hours, in addition to the pump, the other pipeline is damaged, to fully repair may be half a month does not affect the gasoline in Guangzhou Petrochemical relevant person in charge yesterday to accept the Information Times reporters, the factory the day before the fire, not, nor should the Guangzhou market equilibrium of supply and demand impact. " People may have misunderstanding, think Guangzhou City oil is composed of wide petrifaction company to supply, can have this worry, if people use it for rising prices, it is malicious drive up." The responsible person must be expressed to reporter. In their hands the dead back yesterday, the relevant responsible person said, Guangzhou petrochemical production of other devices are not affected, the normal production, the factory has been in a safe state, please the surrounding residents placed according to the introduction, the accident is crude oil processing equipment early device, since the fire occurred, this set of equipment is already in a" production of" state, the responsible person told the reporter, next, professionals will clean up the oil in the equipment, and maintenance, "the question has been locked in the device on the pump, the pump would leak, be expert tore it down, and then ' anatomy.